Weis Weekly Ads & Flyers

Thu, Jan 14, 2021 - Thu, Jan 21, 2021 86,845 Views

Weis Weekly Ad Flyer January 14 to January 21

Bumble Bee Solid White Tuna 5 ounce : $5.00/4

Panera Soups 32 ounce : $8.49

Lance Crackers 6 to 15.2 ounce : $1.88

Snapple : $8.88

Smithfield Sliced Bacon 16 ounce : $4.99

Philly Gourmet Patties 2 pound : $8.49

Red Seedless Grapes per pound : $1.99

Iceberg Lettuce : $1.29 ea

Weis Quality Baby Spinach 5 ounce : $2.99

Weis Quality Coconut Flakes 7 ounce : $1.47