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Get a Free Milkshake Voucher When You Spend $25 on Shake Shack Gift Cards or eGifts

Through to December 31 this holiday season, you'll be sent a free milkshake voucher every time you spend $25 on Shake Shack eGifts or Gift Cards online.

This offer is not limited to one per purchase, so for each $25 you spend, you'll receive a new free milkshake voucher. For example, you'll be emailed two free milkshake vouchers with a $50 Gift Card or eGift purchase and 3 vouchers withe a $75 purchase.

Shake Shack Gift Cards, vouchers and eGifts must be redeemed in person, in restaurant and not through an online or in-app order.

To buy Shake Shack Gift Cards and eGifts online, click here.