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New Coffee Blends, Including One with 20% More Caffeine, Launch at Dunkin' Donuts

3 new coffee blends, some permanent menu additions and some only available for a limited time, are arriving this New Year at Dunkin' Donuts. The new coffee blends include Dunkin's Extra Charged Coffee, Dunkin' Midnight and the Explorer Batch.

Extra Charged Coffee

Extra Charged Coffee at Dunkin' Donuts is named after its telltale addition of 20% more caffeine (than Dunkin's traditional coffee). With caffeine extracts from green coffee beans, you can order your Extra Charged Coffee hot or icy cold.

Dunkin' Midnight

Made as a replacement to Dunkin' Donuts regular dark brew, the new Dunkin' Midnight is served hot, with subtle notes of cocoa. It is the darkest roast ever served at Dunkin' Donuts.

Explorer Batch

Here for a limited time only, the Explorer Batch is a medium-roast coffee with a smoky, berry undertone. It will be included in the new Limited Batch Series at Dunkin' Donuts. This changing series will continually highlight a new Dunkin' coffee blend for a limited time.