Burger King Weekly Ads, Flyers & Deals


Purchase the $5 Super Mario Meal Online or In-app from Burger King and You Could Win a New Nintendo Switch Prize Pack

With the in-app or online purchase of a $5 Super Mario Meal at Burger King through to February 22, you'll automatically be entered for a chance to win a Nintendo Switch Prize Pack with Burger King's Game System Giveaway Sweepstakes.

For $5, you'll also receive a Whopper Sandwich, a Small Soft Drink, a Small order of French Fries and 100 My Nintendo Platinum Points (while supplies last).

For more information about the BK Game System Giveaway Sweepstakes' rules and regulations, click here.

*AK & HI Burger King locations are not taking part in this promotion. Each person can only enter the sweepstakes once per day.