ALDI Weekly Ads & Flyers

Sun, Oct 25, 2020 - Sat, Oct 31, 2020 968,332 Views

ALDI (MA) Weekly Ad Flyer October 25 to October 31

Mars Milky way, Twix, Snickers, Maltesers 50 Pieces : $7.49

Hershey's Chocolate Miniatures or Mars Chocolate Favorites : $19.49

Mars Chocolate Variety Mix, Chocolate Favorites or Chocolate & Sugar Variety : $14.69

Huntington Home 50" x 60" Velvet Plush Sherpa Throw : $9.99 ea

Huntington Home Cozy Accent Pillow : $9.99 ea

Fresh 73% Lean Ground Beef : $1.59 per lb

Fresh Black Angus USDA Choice Beef Chuck Roast : $3.99 per lb

Kirkwood Boneless Turkey Breast : $8.99

Earthly Grains Ready To Serve Rice : $1.19

Great Gherkins Sweet Bread & Butter Pickles : $1.79